Cherry:The delicious fruit of these trees is hard to surpass, and they also offer beauty through their spring flowers. Just be sure to use some netting and scare tape to keep birds away from your crop.
Plum:Beautiful specimens, these trees typically yield copious amounts of fruit, which is sufficient to balance current eating with passing the time by. Plum trees dubbed "opal" are self-fertile.
PearPears are a delight for any size yard because they mix tasty fruit with beauty. To find dwarf pears, look for those sold on Pyrodwarf rootstock, which grows trees that are 6 to 8 feet tall.
ApricotThe hard, store-bought cousins of fresh, luscious apricots are nothing unlike the real thing. Smaller types of apricot trees are available, although most are of medium size. This fruit tree is more than capable of standing on its own as a landscape adornment.
Fig.Figs rank very near the top when when it comes to ease of preparation. Plants don't need much to grow. While pruning could be the most important thing to do, you don't need to prune to regulate height if you plant naturally small varieties like "Black Jack" or "Improved Brown Turkey."